

Sometimes, you need information about the properties of a class, or you wish to have a constant for the names of properties. The “meta” plugin creates an inner class (the name of which can be controlled by a command-line option), and adds a constant field for each property. If the -extended=y command-line option is specified, these constants will hold instances of the PropertyInfo class, on which the name, type, multiplicity (collection or not) and default value (from XSD) are exposed. Without -extended, the constants are simply string constants holding the property names.

As a new feature in version 1.10, a visitor pattern has been added that allows to visit all properties of an object graph.




-meta.generateTools={y|n} (y)

Generate helper class used to represent extended metadata as source code. If this is set to “n” and “-extended=y”, the plugin JAR will have to be in the runtime classpath of the client application.

-meta.extended={y|n} (n)

Generate extended meta data for each property: Name, type, multiplicity, default value.

-meta.camelCase={y|n} (n)

Generate names of constant meta fields like field names, instead of Java constant name convention.

-meta.metaClassName=<string> (PropInfo)

Name of the generated meta-information nested class.

-meta.allowSet={y|n} (y)

Allow property values to be set via property meta information.

-meta.visitMethodName=<string> (visit)

Name of the method to apply a visitor.